Friday, November 25, 2011

Surrendering to the Fog...

I have lots of wonderful things to write about: an ordination in the half-finished cathedral, my work with the choirs, visiting the bastis (slum villages), and living in the hostel with 35 children from 6-17.

But what I really need to share is my mission as a Christian here.  I answered a call to 'be', not 'do.' I know about the doing part, but I'm walking in fog about the other.  My call is NOT to be a music teacher, although I spend a significant part of my time doing that, and I know the children are widening their exposure to Western music and are happy about doing so.  I'm also my usual ebullient self, finding joy, delight and surprise as I go about my daily life.  I wave to everyone I see, and they're starting to wave back, though that is not customary in India.  It's much too overt.

I see a number of the staff and others with a profound faith and a different way of thinking about God.  I can't put my finger on it exactly, but I hear it in sermons, prayers and even in the snail's pace the hymns go, where I can meditate on every word.
They have a different relationship with God.  They seem closer to Him than I do and I want what they have.  I don't read the Bible every day or set aside time to meditate or pray.  I pray for people as they tell me their stories, but I don't remember to pray again for them as a conscious decision.  If I do all these things, am I still just 'doing?'  Will I receive the grace I long for by reading John or saying Compline?  I feel as though I'm a surface Christian.  It's all about ME.

Maybe what I really need to do is surrender to the fog.  Maybe that's where God waits to hold my hand and walk with me to the next place.


  1. Hey Lynn,

    I am enjoying reading about your adventures in India! I would like to send you a Christmas card. Could you e-mail me your address in India. My e-mail is


  2. hey lynn, i stand in awe. you were always a dynamo of energy for the muse. laura
